My Dog Sykes
Early Days with My Human
I spent most of my time during these early days exploring the house and the back yard. LOTS of things to smell and look at! I was so busy doing all that, I slept like a puppy those first couple of weeks. I got into trouble a few times, but we don't need to talk about that...
Aren't I pretty?
Aren't I pretty?
My human has grandhumans; they all liked me and made me feel special.
My human has grandhumans; they all liked me and made me feel special.
I always stayed close to my new human!
I always stayed close to my new human!
Trying to catch some flying porch raisins!
Trying to catch some flying porch raisins!
I had to explore everywhere, even places where I'd already been.
I had to explore everywhere, even places where I'd already been.
I got really good scratches and snuggles on the front porch.
I got really good scratches and snuggles on the front porch.
My human gave me toys to play with.  I like toys.
My human gave me toys to play with. I like toys.
There is something living behind this noisy box thing, and I'm going to find it!
There is something living behind this noisy box thing, and I'm going to find it!
I tried really hard to stay out of the flower garden, but sometimes I just couldn't resist.
I tried really hard to stay out of the flower garden, but sometimes I just couldn't resist.
I loved my new toys!
I loved my new toys!
My new back yard had a fence and lots of stuff to explore.
My new back yard had a fence and lots of stuff to explore.
I tried really hard to stay out of the flower garden, but sometimes I just couldn't resist.
I tried really hard to stay out of the flower garden, but sometimes I just couldn't resist.
My new human always gave me lots of snuggles and scratches when we were on the front parch.
My new human always gave me lots of snuggles and scratches when we were on the front parch.
I felt safe sitting under the piano.  I could see out the door and look for chipmunks, too!
I felt safe sitting under the piano. I could see out the door and look for chipmunks, too!
I had to explore everywhere, even places where I'd already been.
I had to explore everywhere, even places where I'd already been.
Ever vigilant!  Aren't I handsome when I'm vigilant?
Ever vigilant! Aren't I handsome when I'm vigilant?
I tried to help my human fold clothes, but he said he'd rather do it himself.  Good dog!
I tried to help my human fold clothes, but he said he'd rather do it himself. Good dog!

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