| Aren't I pretty? | | | My human has grandhumans; they all liked me and made me feel special. | | | I always stayed close to my new human! | |
| Trying to catch some flying porch raisins! | | | I had to explore everywhere, even places where I'd already been. | | | I got really good scratches and snuggles on the front porch. | |
| My human gave me toys to play with. I like toys. | | | There is something living behind this noisy box thing, and I'm going to find it! | | | I tried really hard to stay out of the flower garden, but sometimes I just couldn't resist. | | | I loved my new toys! | | | My new back yard had a fence and lots of stuff to explore. | | | I tried really hard to stay out of the flower garden, but sometimes I just couldn't resist. | | | My new human always gave me lots of snuggles and scratches when we were on the front parch. | | | I felt safe sitting under the piano. I could see out the door and look for chipmunks, too! | | | I had to explore everywhere, even places where I'd already been. | | | Ever vigilant! Aren't I handsome when I'm vigilant? | | | I tried to help my human fold clothes, but he said he'd rather do it himself. Good dog! | |