My Dog Sykes

Here are some videos of Sykes for you to look at.

"Doorstop Duck" was my first friend in the new house!
"Doorstop Duck" was my first friend in the new house!
I'm not sure how I feel about girl doggos. This one wouldn't let me play with her at all.
I love to find ice in my water bowl.  It
I love to find ice in my water bowl. It's fun!
I love to run up and (especially) down stairs.  Don
I love to run up and (especially) down stairs. Don't I have a cute wiggly butt?
Who's a good boy, you ask?  <i>I'm</i> a good boy!
Who's a good boy, you ask? I'm a good boy!
I had this really great dream about chasing something one day.
I had this really great dream about chasing something one day.

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