My Dog Sykes

Memories - How I Got Adopted


The nice lady in the photo holding the really cute little doggo is Kaitlyn. In April 2020, Kaitlyn posted on FaceBook that a friend of hers found a dog in Riverside by the side of the road. The dog was lying down next to another dog that was dead. He was covered in fleas and needed help. That dog was me.

My human was looking for a companion and messaged Kaitlyn that he was interested in the dog, but later he had second thoughts. He wanted a shelter dog because they were likely to have had medical care and were hopefully free of disease. He messaged her friend and told her that he wasn't interested in adopting a stray. But she persisted and brought me to my human's home the next day.

He told her that he didn't want me, so I had to go into action! I jumped up on his leg and gave him my best sad-dog look that I could muster. And that broke his heart!

He adopted me on the spot. And I was happy. Thank you, Kaitlyn, and your persistent friend! My human and I are SO grateful that you brought us together.

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